The World Fastest Import award goes to this champion white ( if it's not the correct name for this color then in this case it should be ) EKanoo Racing Toyota Supra. The supra is powered by the one and only infamous Toyota 2jz-gte which was built at Titan Motorsports and tuned by Shaine. The owner's name is Ebrahin
Kanoo which is obviously the the name you see on the right quarter
panel in the image above. Producing 2000 plus horsepower EKanoo Supa
has taken the world record as the fastest import.
a Toyota fan myself I'm proud to see that the 2jz currently holds the
record, but as always record do get broken. So with that being said I'm
curious to see who will take the title. The 2jz still lives on after
all these years.The JZ is a grandfather of engines but still puts a
whoopin on the new skool motors.
2jz & Supra Parts For Sale